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Inspire Change
Guide Change
Measure and Communicate Change
About Streets
Chapters 1-3
Understand why streets matter, learn about the processes involved in shaping and implementing great street projects, envision what is possible, and identify what to measure in order to build community and political support for future projects.
Street Design Guidance
Chapters 4-9
Recognize the importance of considering context and culture in the design of streets for place. Identify the different groups of people using the street and use the design strategies presented to meet their needs. Use the Management and Operations chapter to assist in managing streets in space and time, and the Design Controls chapter to actively set the parameters for great street designs in the future.
Street Transformations
Chapters 10-11
Identify possible reconfigurations of a variety of street and intersection types, and learn from the case studies of how other cities have transformed their streets.
Designing Streets for People
Use the icon tabs in chapter 6 to find the design guidance for specific users. Identify these users across the guide using these icons and their respective colors.
Street elements and design guidance are called out by way of highlighting the design feature using a yellow color.
Before and After Transformations
All street and intersection transformations in Section C are designed as spreads with a before and after 3D model on the left page and right page respectively.
Dimension Conversion
See Conversion Chart to find a complete set of conversions for key dimensions under various units of measurement used in the guide such as:
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.