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Pedestrian Ramps
Pedestrian ramps are inclined planes facilitating the access of sidewalks for people using wheelchairs and other personal mobility devices, as well as those pushing strollers, carts, or heavy luggage. They are generally composed of three elements: the slope, the top landing, and the side flares.
Pedestrian ramps can be oriented parallel to sidewalks, where space is limited and it is difficult to fit a top landing.
A level landing of a minimum 1.8 m length accommodates the maneuvering of a wheelchair.
Detectable Surfaces
Provide tactile paving or detectable warning strips at curb ramps and other transitions between pedestrian, vehicular, or shared areas.
Detectable surfaces should provide a distinctive texture intended to have a uniform meaning in alerting people to the approach of conflict zones.
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.
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