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Design intersections to promote eye contact between all street users to increase awareness and to support active interactions.
The following strategies help to reduce conflict and ensure safe spaces for all users. Use them to support the key principles outlined in : Designing Streets for Great Cities.
Design Compact Intersections
Break large intersections into a series of smaller intersections. Compact intersections reduce exposure, slow traffic near conflict points, and increase visibility. Tighten turn radii, remove slip lanes, and limit turn lanes when possible. See: Travel Lanes, Corner Radii and Design Vehicle and Control Vehicle.
Simplify Geometry
Simplify geometry of complex intersections to increase legibility, uniformity, and safety. Align geometry of opposite legs of an intersection and daylight intersection corners to improve sight lines and visibility. See: Visibility and Sight Distance.
Analyze Networks
Intersections should not be observed in isolation but as part of larger environments and networks. Solutions for capacity or volumes may be found at the corridor or network level. Make trade-offs between the intersection and the network in terms of traffic volume and capacity. See: Network Management and Volume and Access Management.
Integrate Time and Space
Reconfigure intersections through signalization as an alternative to widening them, to address delay or congestion. This helps in reducing speeds between junctions, prioritizing transit, and increasing safety. Include transit-priority, pedestrian, and cycles leading intervals, and manage left turns with dedicated signal phases. See: Signs and Signals.
Increase Pedestrian Space
Increase pedestrian space while redesigning intersection geometry, consolidating spaces in logical and usable areas. Use interim plazas and low-cost elements and materials to quickly enhance public life and reduce safety concerns. See: Sidewalk Extensions and Pedestrian-Priority Spaces.
Start with Vulnerable Users
Design safe infrastructure at intersections by starting with the needs of the most vulnerable users. Use existing pedestrian behaviors and desire lines to guide design. Provide safe and accessible sidewalks, crossings, and refuge areas for pedestrians, and dedicated facilities and protected intersections for cyclists. Reduce vehicle speed by including traffic calming strategies. See: Designing Streets for People and Speed Management.
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.
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