Global Street Design Guide

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Global Street Design Guide

Major Intersection: Cycle Protection

Existing Conditions

The above illustration shows the intersection of two large two-way streets, both with three lanes in each direction. This intersection is signalized.

This extremely wide intersection has an unbalanced allocation of space between modes. Wide corner radii and slip lanes prioritize motorists and encourage high-speed turns.

Long pedestrian crossing distances and a lack of refuge islands extend the conflict zone for pedestrians and increase the risk of being hit by a vehicle.

Cycle facilities are nonexistent so cyclists are exposed to unsafe conditions and conflicts with turning vehicles.

A lack of pedestrian ramps at the sidewalks and refuge islands results in an inaccessible intersection.

Vehicles turning across oncoming traffic without a dedicated signal phase present dangerous conditions to pedestrians crossing the street.

Mumbai, India

Bangkok, Thailand

Design Guidance

This reconstruction demonstrates an intersection design which prioritizes safety for all users and not just motorists.

Protected cycle tracks are provided in each direction on one street, and buffered cycle lanes are provided on each side of the street of the other.

 This protected intersection, also known as a Dutch intersection, provides safe refuge spaces for cyclists where the various cycle facilities meet; all cyclist turns become two-stage turns, and cyclists are given priority position using advanced stop boxes, leading signal priority, and smaller curb radii to slow vehicles turning across the cycle path. See: Designing for Cyclists.

Dedicated transit lanes run adjacent to side-running cycle tracks, with boarding island stops to organize interactions between cyclists, transit vehicles, and transit riders at stop locations.

 The side-boarding transit island not only eliminates conflict between cyclists and transit vehicles, but provides additional refuge space and shortened crossing distance for pedestrians. Cycle tracks may be raised or at street-level through the boarding island, but must adequately consider strategies to encourage cyclists to yield to pedestrians.

Extend sidewalks and curbs to provide safer and shorter pedestrian and cycle crossings and protect them from motorized traffic.

 Remove slip lanes and add signalized turn lanes for vehicles turning across oncoming traffic. Design turn lanes by recessing the central median.

 When traffic volumes are relatively low, the transit lane may be shared with near-side turning vehicles. In this case, it is preferable to install a far-side bus stop configuration to minimize turning conflicts, which would impact boarding operations.

Added medians play an important safety role, but they are also crucial for urban green networks, especially at intersections where the network can be disconnected. Add landscaping and plantings to these elements. See: Green Infrastructure.

Delft, The Netherlands

Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.

Complex Intersection: Adding Public Plazas

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Complex Intersection: Adding Public Plazas