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Copenhagen, Denmark
Operational techniques are a powerful set of tools that can help cities achieve their goals by prioritizing safety of vulnerable users and promoting sustainable transportation modes. To provide an efficient and equitable transportation network, cities must balance regional and local movement while shifting to spatially efficient modes and reducing reliance on private vehicles. The street management framework uses street operations, alongside street design, allocating valuable road space based on safety, user characteristics, access demands, and broad policy goals.
This proactive approach to street operations integrates transportation policy and infrastructure, economic and social needs, and land-use decisions in order to maximize sustainable development and use of efficient transportation modes.
The strategies discussed in this section are generally low in cost and can be implemented with basic technical knowledge. Operational strategies can be progressively modified and adapted based on feedback and performance. These principles have long been applied on access-controlled highways and rural roads but must be deployed differently in urban settings.
This approach is based on a set of priorities and goals, including:
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.
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