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Great street designs cannot be realized without effective coordination and project management. Identify all relevant project stakeholders and define project roles early. Maintain clear communication and coordination from start to finish, and ensure appropriate agencies and technical experts provide consistent input at all stages of project design and development.
Coordinate among the various stakeholders, designers, and project executors to clarify the project scope, schedule, budget, and desired outcomes.
Pre-Project Planning and Coordination
Ensure that adequate planning and coordination takes place before a project begins, so everyone is working toward the same identified objectives.
Interagency Coordination
Coordinating the many agencies that are involved in shaping streets can be challenging, but it is critical to the success of a project.
Public-Private Coordination
Project managers should facilitate coordination between all public agencies involved in the project as well as between the public and private sector parties.
Coordination with Utility Companies
Communicate Information
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.
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