Global Street Design Guide

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Global Street Design Guide


Planning and coordinating on-street activities is important to ensure that the needs of all users are met.

Public agencies and private institutions must collaborate to facilitate optimal use of streets and related infrastructure. Whether handling maintenance needs, weekly activities, or special events, managing activities and operation helps to keep things in order.

Coordinating essential services such as street cleaning, freight access, programming, and curbside management requires complementary education and enforcement.

Integrate management plans and strategies into the design process; include flexibility for different street functions throughout the day, week, and year.

Coordination of Use

Certain streets will require movement and hours-of-operation restrictions to be implemented to manage the best possible street usage. This guidance may include hours of operation, loading restrictions, or restricted entry for private vehicles on certain days.

Public-Space Programming

Community partners, local agencies, and private organizations can be responsible for programming public spaces. Planning and organizing daily and long-term activities can help to attract various users to the space during different times and seasons.


Extreme Weather Conditions

Streets should be managed and maintained to incorporate and anticipate risks related to extreme weather conditions. Ensure accessibility to all users under these circumstances. When clearing snow or ensuring adequate drainage, prioritize areas, such as sidewalks, where the most vulnerable users need continuous access. Snow removal, for example, can be very expensive. In some cases, the investment in new design that will eliminate or minimize the need for snow removal is almost equivalent to the removal costs.

Safety Management and Enforcement

Ensure safety for all users through effective signal controls, road signs, and enforcement. Work closely with local enforcement to help them understand how they can contribute to creating safer streets. Educate the community on the importance of safety and enforcement measures.

Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.


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