Global Street Design Guide

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Global Street Design Guide

Existing Conditions

The illustration above depicts a large two-way street in the center of the city, used both as a thoroughfare and as a destination with a mix of programs. Wide travel lanes encourage speeding and create an unsafe walking and cycling environment.

Cross-traffic turns are a frequent source of conflict, resulting in head-on collisions between motorists and pedestrians or cyclists.

Cyclists feel unsafe riding on narrow cycle lanes located between fast-moving traffic and the curbside parking car door zone. Double-parked vehicles and cars getting into the parking lane may force cyclists to suddenly divert into the adjacent travel lane at great risk.

Wide medians act as an undefined refuge island, creating a pause point in the middle of the street with no protection. Heavy turn volumes and large corner radii at the intersections result in high-speed turns that put pedestrians and cyclists in danger.

Singapore, Singapore

Design Guidance

 Redesign large streets to accommodate both through- and destination-oriented traffic. Give priority to movement of high occupancy vehicles, like mass transit, van-pools, and taxis, to increase the street’s capacity.

Add dedicated transit lanes and enable in-lane transit stops using bulbs or islands. See: Transit Stops.

If transit frequency is low, consider allowing taxis and other means of collective transport in these lanes to increase the movement capacity.

 Widen the central median at the intersection and at transit stops to create refuge islands. Refuge islands, when paired with curb extensions at parking spaces, help in reducing time and crossing distances for pedestrians.

Widen sidewalks to provide universal access, add green infrastructure, and increase space for pedestrians and commercial activity.

 Reduce travel lanes and add parking protected cycle tracks in each direction.

Side-running directional cycle tracks allow easy and convenient access for cyclists. See: Cycle Facilities.

Restrict freight delivery or encourage off peak delivery to eliminate double-parking obstructions. See: Design Hour.

Support new configurations and traffic patterns through education campaigns and proactive enforcement. Allow users time to adjust to significant transformations.

Add landscaping to provide shade and greenery, with potential to supplement stormwater management. These additions may also help attract new businesses.

Seattle, USA

Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.

Case Study: Götgatan; Stockholm, Sweden

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Case Study: Götgatan; Stockholm, Sweden