Global Street Design Guide

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Global Street Design Guide

Existing Conditions

The illustration above depicts a major street with center-running transit and unprotected cycle lanes. It serves as an arterial corridor with three wide lanes for fast-moving traffic in each direction. This street connects the city across multiple neighborhoods and  regionally.

Safety issues for vulnerable users are increased by long crosswalk distances and poorly defined and recessed crosswalks that increase crossing time.

Sidewalks are wide. However, a lack of landscaping and ground-level activities render them uninviting and dull spaces.

Center-running and center-loading mass transit has restricted entry and exit points. Stops might lack proper accessibility features.

Double-parked freight vehicles create weaving conflicts and safety hazards at peak hours for motorists and cyclists.

Design Guidance

Delineate and demarcate different modes to efficiently share and manage the street.

Enhance the centre-running transit lanes through distinct paving or color treatments. Provide level boarding platforms, accessible ramps and paths, as well as audible and tactile features.

 Add controlled mid-block crossings at transit stops to facilitate safe crossing from both sides of the street. Cover transit stops to provide a sheltered and comfortable waiting space.

Install refuge islands on the central median and curb extensions to shorten the overall crossing distance.

Encourage commercial activity and street vendors on wide sidewalks. Add street furniture and landscaping while maintaining a continuous pedestrian clear path.

 Replace one travel lane in each direction with a parking-protected cycle track to encourage cycling as a healthy and sustainable mobility choice. Cycle share stations may be sited adjacent to cycle tracks and near transit stations to accommodate first- and  last-mile trips.

Install street trees and green infrastructure along parking-side medians to dissipate road noise, manage stormwater run-off, and improve the urban environment.

 Provide loading zones at strategic locations within the parking strip. Restrict freight delivery or encourage off-peak delivery to  eliminate double parking obstructions. See: Designing for Freight and Service Operators.

Antwerp, Belgium

Barcelona, Spain

Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.

Example 2: 62 m

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Example 2: 62 m