Global Street Design Guide

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Global Street Design Guide

Street Design Strategies

Prague, Czech Republic

Use the following street design strategies to support the key principles outlined in Designing Streets for Great Cities, and in conjunction with Intersection Design Strategies.

Ensure Universal Accessibility

Ensure streets serve our most vulnerable users, particularly seniors, children, and people with disabilities. Provide accessible, safe, well-lit, and dedicated facilities. See: Designing Streets for People and Universal Accessibility.

Design for Safe Speeds

Ensure safe design speeds through narrow travel lanes, tight corner radii, and other speed reduction measures that help reduce exposure and risk for vulnerable users. See: Traffic Calming Strategies, Operational and Management Strategies and Design Controls.

Reconfigure the Space

Change geometries to prioritize active and sustainable mobility choices. Provide dedicated facilities that prioritize pedestrians, cyclists, and collective transport use. See: Designing Streets for People.

Accommodate Diverse Uses

Ensure efficient and diverse uses of streets by providing spaces for social interactions and gatherings, cultural activities, and commercial uses. Incorporate green infrastructure strategies wherever possible. See: Designing for People Doing Business and Green Infrastructure.

Develop Context-Driven Solutions

Design streets that are informed and influenced by their place in the network, proximity to destinations, adjacent land use, and density. See: Designing Streets for Place.

Act Now—Start Somewhere!

Move curbs, change alignments, reclaim space, and redirect traffic. Use a phased approach for major redesigns, consider interim design solutions, and identify areas of political and financial support. Find somewhere to start the transformation, and act now! See: Phasing and Interim Strategies.

Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.

Street Typologies

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Street Typologies